" Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition"
1. Start your purse to fattening
4. Guard your treasures from loss
5. Make of your dwelling a profitable investment
6. Insure a future income
7. Increase your ability to earn
Start your purse to fattening
“ Now you can see that there are many trades and labours at which men may earn coins [money]. Each of the ways of earning is a stream of gold [Wealth] from which the worker do divert by his labours a portion to his own.”
A part of all you earn is yours’ to keep!
“If thou select one of they basket and put into it each morning ten eggs and take out from it each evening nine eggs, what will eventually happen?
It will become in time overflowing. Why? Because each day I put in one more eggs than I takes out.”
Money Management, The Jars system,
10% towards your FFA.
“For every ten coins you placed within thy purse take out for use but nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel good in your hand and bring satisfaction to thy soul.”
It is that simple, the truth is always simple.
I would tell you how I built my fortune.
This was my beginning. I, too, carried a lean purse and cursed it because there was naught within to satisfy my desires. But when I began to take out from my purse nine parts of ten I put in, it began to fatten. So will you.
When I ceased to pay out more than nine-tenths of my earnings, I managed to get along just as well. I was not shorter than before, also, before long, did coins come to me more easily than before.
Law of Gods that unto him who keep and spend [Money management] a certain part of all his earnings, shall gold come easily.
Likewise, him whose purse is empty does gold avoid.
Which desires you most?
1. Gratification of your desires, a jewel, a bit of finery, better raiment [clothing], more food; things quickly gone and forgotten?
2. Substantial belongings, gold, lands, herds, merchandise, income-bringing investment?
The coins you take from your purse bring the 1st?
The coins you leave within your purse bring the latter?

By allowing us to serve you, you have served us. For that, we are forever grateful. Have a wonderful 2009. I know it is going to be a great year for you because you have Desires.
That makes you 3% of the population on the planet, who have written down goals.
For that I applaud you, for starting 2009 with a different stroke.
For that, let’s together make this happen in this great year so that whatever external environment no longer affects us because everything is in the power of our hands. We make the decision and the power makes the provision.
Together anything can happen because you and I, you and God, are a majority.

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