Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mind Power

Mind Power Tools
Some of the greatest books of all time have spoken about the need to Think in a Certain Way.
In 1905, James Allen wrote probably one of the greatest 20 pages in human history, ‘AS A MAN THINKETH’.
He said, “The vision that I glorify in my mind, the ideal that I enthrone in my heart, this I will build my life by and this I will become.”
He spoke about thinking, how thinking can influence results in our life and manifest things in our reality.
In 1910, Wallace Wattles wrote probably the definitive book on financial wealth, ‘THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH’, and he said there are two parts to the secret – you have to THINK in a certain way and you have to ACT in a certain way. And of course, this formula is called the CERTAIN WAY.
He said, ‘THINK in a certain way, and ACT in a certain way.’ Now, you can not Act in a certain way if you do not first begin to Think in a certain way.
In 1937, Napoleon Hill wrote the greatest book ever written in human history on personal development and success and he quite simply said, ‘THINK AND GROW RICH’.
In Think And Grow Rich Napoleon Hill said, ‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.’ Again he spoke about thinking – THINK, and grow rich.
And now we have the phenomenally successful DVD, ‘THE SECRET’. And ‘The Secret’ talks about The Law of Attraction.
What do all these four authorities- ‘As a Man Thinketh’, ‘The Science of Getting Rich’, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘The Secret’, have in common?
James Allen said ‘As a Man Thinketh’. Napoleon Hill said ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Wattles said ‘Think in a Certain Way’.
What they all said about thinking, they did not mean thinking with your left-brain, they did not mean thinking from the Conscious Mind; they meant thinking from the deepest recesses of your Unconscious Mind.
There is no such thing as Reality.
Reality exists in the mind of the beholder!
- Handsome Wong
This brings us to the latest phenomenon, The Secret.
Before The Law of Attraction can happen, it must be first be preceded by another law called ‘The Law of Vibration’, because it is a twin law. The complete law is called The Law of Vibration and Attraction.
So, before any Attraction can happen, Vibration must happen FIRST.
However, before Vibration can happen, you must first THINK that thought. This is because Thinking causes the Vibration, which in turn causes the Attraction. So yet again, it begins with Thinking.
All these authors had one thing in common, Thinking in a Certain Way, that is thinking at the Unconscious Mind. Thinking with the Unconscious part of the mind creates our ultimate reality because that part of the mind has no limit.
It has been said that he Unconscious Mind is the God like part of us, where there are no limitations.Thinking is the most potent
form of Energy in the Universe.
So, in my up coming blogs we are going to explore in great depth the power of the Unconscious Mind and how we can use the power of this Unconscious Mind to De-Program and Re-Program the mind for Success. I would like to give you simple Mind Power Tools which anyone can apply in their daily living to Transform their Personal and Professional Life.
In truth, we are ALREADY running on a program, and chances are, on a Failure program. And of course, a Failure program can only result in failure.
If you are not as Happy, as Healthy, as Wealthy and as Successful as you would like to be, chances are you have been running on Failure programs, and you were not even aware of it!
I am certain you want to change these programs, so that you can begin to run on Success programs because a Success program MUST result in Success.
In my up coming Blogs I would like to share some cutting edge, state of the art Mind Power Tools to help you install and run on Success Programs and over-ride the current Failure programs that you have been running on for so many frustrating years of your life.
In short, Change you Programs and Change your Life!
Till I meet you face-to-face in my next blog,
Wong Chong Sen a.k.a.Handsome Wong
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Any person who selects a goal in life, which can fully achieved, has already defined his own limitations.
Cavelt Robert
Our attitude towards Life determines Life's attitude towards us.
Earl Nightingale
Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it.
Irving Berlin
Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
Napolean Hill
"Think and Grow Rich"
The more positive you are, when you think and work towards your goals, the faster you achieve them.
Brian Tracy
Until you commit your goals paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil.
Set peace of mind as your highest Goal. And organize your life around it.
Brian Tracy
Your greatness is measured by your horizons.
Enjoyment is not a goal. It is a feeling that accompanies important, on-going activity.
Paul Goodman
Write a goal every single month to eliminate a mess from your life, and when you do, --- abundance will come in.
Raymond Aaron
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's.
Guess what they might have planned for you.
Not Much!
Jin Rohn
A vision is a clearly articulated, results --- oriented picture of a future you intend to create. It is a dream with direction.
Jesse Stoner Zemel
You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday.
Charles Kettering
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Seven Cures for a lean purse --- 4
“ Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition ”
Seven Cures for a lean purse
4. Guard you treasure from loss
Misfortune loves a shining mark. Gold in a man’s purse must be guarded with firmness, else it be lost. Thurs it is wise that we must first secure small amounts and learn to protect them before the Gods entrust us with larger.
The first sound principle of investment is security for the principal.
Before you loan to any man assure yourself of his ability to repay and his reputation for doing so, that you may not unwittingly be making him a present of your hard-earned treasure.
Before you entrust it as an investment in any field acquaint yourself with the dangers, which may beset it.
Of great importance is to prevent your purse from being emptied once it has become well filled.
“ Guard your treasure from loss by investing only where you principal is safe, where it may be reclaimed if desirable, and where you will not fail to collect a fair rental. Consult with wise men. Secure the advice of those experienced in the profitable handling of gold. Let their wisdom protect your treasure from unsafe investments. ”
One of the way is with a mastermind group.
I would like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you yet again and I look forward to seeing you. So I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you.
By allowing us to serve you, you have served us. For that, we are forever grateful. Have a wonderful 2009. I know it is going to be a great year for you because you have Desires.
That makes you 3% of the population on the planet, who have written down goals.
For that I applaud you, for starting 2009 with a different stroke. For that, let’s together make this happen in this great year so that whatever external environment no longer affects us because everything is in the power of our hands. We make the decision and the power makes the provision.
Together anything can happen because you and I, you and God, are a majority.
Seven Cures for a lean purse --- 3
“ Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition ”
Seven Cures for a lean purse
3. Make your gold multiply
Behold, as your purse is fattening.
You have discipline yourself by keeping one-tenth of all thousands, you have controlled your expenditures to protect your growing treasure, next we will consider means to put your treasure to labour and increase.
Gold in a purse is gratifying to own and satisfied a misery soul but earns nothing. The gold we may retain from our earnings is but for a start. The earnings it will make, shall build our fortunes.
How therefore may we put our gold to work? My first profitable investment was a loan to a merchant named Aggar, he is honourable and he would repay his borrowing.
Each time I loaned to him I loaned back also the rental he had paid to me. Therefore not only did my capital increase, its earnings likewise increased. Most gratifying was it to have these sums return to my purse.
“ Wealth is not the coins he carries in his purse; it is the income he built, the golden stream that continually flow into his purse and keep it always bulging. ”
“ The geese [many goose] that lay the golden eggs ” “ Multiple Sources of income --- Passive Income ”
That is what every man desire. That is what you, each one of you desire; an income that continue to come whether you work or travel.
Gaining wisdom from experience, I extended my loans and investment as my capital increased. From a few sources at first, to many sources later, flow into my purse a golden stream of wealth available for such wise uses as I should decide.
Behold, from my humble earnings I had begotten a hoard of golden slaves, each labouring and earning more gold. As they laboured for me, so their children also laboured and their children’s children [interest’s interest {compound interest}] until great was the income from their combined efforts.
“ Gold increase rapidly when making reasonable earnings as you will see. Compound interest --- ? ”
I would like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you yet again and I look forward to seeing you. So I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you.
By allowing us to serve you, you have served us. For that, we are forever grateful. Have a wonderful 2009. I know it is going to be a great year for you because you have Desires. That makes you 3% of the population on the planet, who have written down goals.
For that I applaud you, for starting 2009 with a different stroke. For that, let’s together make this happen in this great year so that whatever external environment no longer affects us because everything is in the power of our hands. We make the decision and the power makes the provision.
Together anything can happen because you and I, you and God, are a majority.
Seven Cures for a lean purse --- 2
“ Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition ”
Seven Cures for a lean purse
2. Control you expenditures
“How can a man keep one-tenth of all he earns in his purse when all the coins he earns are not enough for his necessary expenses?”
All of you do not earn the same, some earn much more than others, and some have much larger families to support; yet all of you are equally lean!
The unusual truth:
That what each of us calls our ‘necessary expenses’ will always grow to equal our income unless we protest to the contrary. Confuse not the necessary expenses with desires! Each of you, together with your good families, have more desires than your earnings can gratify.
All men are burdened with more desires than they can gratify. Because you think you can gratify every desires with your wealth. This is a false idea.
There are limits to my time, there are limits to my strength, there are limits to the distance I may travel, there limits to what I may eat, there are limits to the zest with I may enjoy.
The desires are multitude and those may gratify you are few, therefore, study thoughtfully your accustomed habits of living, you may found certain accepted expenses that may wisely reduced or eliminated.
Let your motto be 100% appreciated value demanded for all of your money spent! Select those that are necessary and others that are possible through the expenditure of nine-tenth of your income.
Cross out the rest and consider them a part of that great multitude of desires that must go unsatisfied and without regret.
Budget your necessary expenses, do not touch the one-tenth for fattening your purse. Let this be the great desire to fulfilled.
The purpose of a budget is to help your purse to fatten, to assist you to have your necessities, and your other desires. It is to enable you to realised your most cherished desires by defending them from you casual wishes.
Like a bright light in a dark cave, your budget shows the leak from your purse and enable you to stop them and control your expenditures for your definite and gratifying purposes.
Budget your expenses that you may have coins [money] to pay for your necessities, to pay for your enjoyments and to gratify your worthwhile desires without spending more than nine-tenth of your earnings.
I would like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you yet again and I look forward to seeing you. So I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you.
By allowing us to serve you, you have served us. For that, we are forever grateful. Have a wonderful 2009. I know it is going to be a great year for you because you have Desires. That makes you 3% of the population on the planet, who have written down goals.
For that I applaud you, for starting 2009 with a different stroke. For that, let’s together make this happen in this great year so that whatever external environment no longer affects us because everything is in the power of our hands. We make the decision and the power makes the provision.
Together anything can happen because you and I, you and God, are a majority.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Rocking Chair Test !!!
Control your Mind. Control your Destiny
Master Wong,
I have a close friend. Three years ago she gave up her job as an Sales Engineer and joined an MLM company. She is doing very well and asked me to join her. I am very tempted.
Last year I was offered junior partnership in my trading Company. How can I be sure that joining her is the right decision? Please advise. Ten years from today, I do not want to regret any decision I make today. How can I be certain I am making the right decision?
Your Student
Marisa, Butterworth, Penang.
Hi Marisa,
Can I ask you, what do you usually do when you have a particularly tough decision to make? What have you done in the past when your options were not at all clear?
Just like Marisa, when faced with a difficult decision, how many of you wish you had a tool, an approach, a concept, a formula or a strategy that could help you make the right decision?
Marisa, I would like to offer you a simple, practical and fast method of arriving at any decision you desire. It will create absolute clarity, give you priority to your choices and help you decide what is important to you, based on your most important values.
It is called the Rocking Chair Test.
The Rocking Chair Test will help you see your long-term options in the present. You will have the benefit of knowing how differently your life would have gone had you made an alternate decision. It is almost like viewing a parallel Universe and having an insight into the outcomes of opposing decisions that you make on any single issue.
At any rate, if any decision that you make passes the test, then you will know that it was a good choice.
The Rocking Chair test is a great tool when it comes to making difficult life changing decisions.
Like Marisa, maybe you need to decide if you should quit your job and start your own business?
Maybe you need to know if you should follow your childhood dream and do what you really feel passionate about?
Maybe you need to be certain of taking a risk and doing something new and different that you have never done before?
We all come across questions like these during our life. And if you are like most people, you probably just shut them out, choose the safe choice, and go with the familiar, even if it means sticking with the boring dead end job you despise.
We all want incredible results in our lives. But we also want to do things that are safe, practical, pragmatic, secure, logical, realistic and normal.
We are unwilling to do anything New and Different because it’s a risk. I say to you,
The rocking chair test is a great way to ensure you live your life without regret because it helps put things into proper perspective based on what is important to you right now and in the future.
What decisions are you presently struggling with?
What decisions are stopping you from having the life that you desire?
What one decision do you keep putting off that could turn your life around?
If you feel you must make a decision but fear that it might be a wrong one, then I suggest you take the “rocking chair test” right now and make a better decision for tomorrow, and your life might never be the same again. And all it took was one well-informed decision.
The Rocking Chair Test decision-making process imposes no risk because it helps you make an educated decision based on what outcomes are important to you.
It allows you a peek into the future. A glimpse at the possible outcomes tells you what decisions you need to make today, that will lead you to the preferred outcome in the future.
It is like going into the future and looking at where your life ends up based on the decisions that you made in the past. You then get to come back into the present and make exactly those decisions.
Powerful stuff!
As Tony Robbins often says: It is in your moments of decisions that your destiny is shaped.
The Rocking Chair test is unbelievably simple, and yet dramatically powerful.
All you have to do is to imagine yourself as an old man or an old woman, nearing the end of your life. As you sit and rock on your porch and contemplate upon your life, just ask yourself if this decision will have any meaning to you in the future.
Will you be proud or ashamed of your decision?
How will this decision have affected the course of your life?
How different would your life have been had you made a totally opposite decision?
Marisa, the next time you reach a fork in your road of life and are not sure which way to go, I suggest you just find a quiet spot, get relaxed and get on your imaginary rocking chair.
To illustrate the simplicity and power of the process, let me give you an example of how you could use the rocking chair test in a business situation.
Lets say; you are hesitating about jumping into a new business venture (as in the case of Marisa). Think about sitting on your porch when you are 80 years old in a rocking chair. If you are already 80, pretend you are 100.
If there is a chance that you will miss out on a huge opportunity to grow your business, and the downside will not kill you or put you in jail, and you cant make a decision, I suggest you may want to take the rocking chair test.
Just imagine yourself as an old man or woman, maybe in your 80’s. Then sit yourself down in your rocking chair, get comfortable and look back at your life. Look back to where you are right now struggling with the decision of what to do.
As you move into your future, ask yourself:
What if I never did this?
How would I feel?
Would my life be different?
Do I regret not taking the chance?
Is this something that would haunt me and I would always wonder about?
Do you find yourself feeling like something is missing?
Is there a sadness or longing?
Or is there great pride and comfort of having made that decision?
Get specific and feel your way through the answers.
What if I just stayed here in my job, would I regret not taking the chance to explore my options when I was younger?
What if I did not at least try to follow my dreams, would it be something that I would always look back upon and wonder, what if…?
In life, we find we are more disappointed by the things we did not do then the ones we did. So if you are feeling regret as an imaginary 80 year old, take it to heart.Use this tool as a shot of courage to go for something that you really want out of life.
Next time you are trying to decide which way to go, put the rocking chair test to work for you.
The rocking chair test allows you to live your life fully and release regret.
Too often, we do not take risks now because the downside seems too scary, but what if the upside totally changed your lifestyle?
What if for the next 50 years, that one decision brought in more money than you could spend?
What if that one decision totally turns your life around?
Then would it be worth it?
I will tell you this much, it is much better to wear out than rust out, and it is much better to have a few cuts and bruises on your way to success by taking a few risks, than it will be to play it safe and settle for a normal, frustrating, meaningless existence.
Sydney Harris said…
Regret for things we did, can be tempered by time; it is regret for things we did not do, that is inconsolable.
Live with Purpose